If there is immediate risk to life, call 999

If someone confides in you that they are close to the point of suicide, there are great resources to help you to support them on the Samaritan’s website.

Their advice if it is an emergency is summarised below:

  1. If their are life-threatening injuries call 999

  2. If they are close to the point of attempting suicide, you can help by:

    a) Reaching out and talking - try simple questions that take focus away from their feelings.

    b) If appropriate, try to make them safe - take them away from a dangerous location for example.

    c) Call an ambulance and arrange for someone to be there if you aren’t with them.

  3. After accessing emergency care, the individual may still need support. Samaritan’s offers a free and confidential service to support them and anyone affected (including you).

Services to support with Suicidal Feelings

If it is not an emergency, but you think someone you know might be struggling with suicidal feelings these services offer really good free and confidential support 24/7.





Emergency Funds